Brian Tenorio SURVEY: As a designer/creative in the Philippines, name something (anything) that you wish would happen or be available in our country. Maybe something that would help you or empower you to improve on your skills/craft/work.
9 hours ago · Comment · Like
we have good writers but unfortunately, we are not a country of readers. we have good visual artists but not a lot can afford to invest in paintings. you grow a good market base and the art scene will pretty much run itself.
and as a provincial based designer:
"people should be aware that manila is not the whole philippines"
the cost of doing business in other asian countries is relatively predictable and stable. we are not the only asian country with the kickback/lagay system. the only difference is (i heard from a speaker on good governance), the amount given in the lagay system in other asian countries is "set" and doesn't vary as much. whereas here, it depends on who's brokering a deal.